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Why do you choose your pain
If you only knew
How much I love you, Love you
I won't be your winter
I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
And we can be forgiven
And I will be here.

He says when you gonna make up your mind
When you gonna love you as much as I do
When you gonna make up your mind
Cause things are gonna change so fast
All the white horses are still in bed
I tell you that I�ll always want you near
You say that things change my dear

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A Charitable Event... or Something
Friday, Jun. 04, 2004 at 10:38 a.m.
0 comments so far

Dear Diary,

Today I met a boy and fell hopelessly in... wait a sec... that is definately not something I would write. Back up a minute let's start this over.

Egh, (now there's a proper beginning for me) I am so incredibly tired and you want to know why. Of course you don't but this is my diary and so I'm going to tell you anyway. I was actually up almost all night reading *whispers* Harry Potter */whisper* Yes I know that completely goes against everything I've ever stood for but it was a somewhat unavoidable evil.

Da's work rented out an entire cineplex and all the money it makes today off of Harry Potter will be donated to help starving children in Africa. While I'm not exactly keen on Harry Potter, I am keen on charity (which incidently, I never really get a chance to participate in, on more than a community level that is, until now. So of course I have to snatch up the chance.) So I figured since I have to spend a couple hours at the luncheon before the movie, it would prolly help to know a little about what's going on in the story so I can actually converse with people to pass the time. And who knows, maybe Mr. Darcy will be there and he'll be utterly smitten by my mundane knowledge. Then of course he'd have to whisk me away for a lifetime of happiness at his manor. *le sigh* Okay, so that's highly unlikely but a girl's got to have something to get her through those rough and lonely times.

In other news, there is no other news. My life has been rather drab lately with nothing either interesting, exciting or even random boringness happening. My friend has offered me some free webspace and I think I'm gonna take him up on the offer. It won't be anything too fancy, just a personal site with my writing and pics. Something to practice on while I get recertified. If you're interested, I'll let you know when it's somewhat up and running so you can take a gander, give me a bit of a critique or something like that.

Well, I should be off. I've got to drive over to meet Da so we can get to this charity thing. I love y'all, don't forget that. And those of you who have asked for phonecalls, I haven't forgotten about you. I just need to find a good time to call so I don't miss anyone. *snoggles* Take care and for the love of Andrew Jackson, please wear your seatbelts.

.:Love:. .:Pain:.