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Why do you choose your pain
If you only knew
How much I love you, Love you
I won't be your winter
I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
And we can be forgiven
And I will be here.

He says when you gonna make up your mind
When you gonna love you as much as I do
When you gonna make up your mind
Cause things are gonna change so fast
All the white horses are still in bed
I tell you that I�ll always want you near
You say that things change my dear

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All Apologies
Saturday, Oct. 04, 2003 at 2:24 p.m.
0 comments so far

I must apologize on my behalf, I didn't mean to upset anyone. I was not looking for attention or sympathy, in fact it was quite the opposite. I was very stressed, and distressed last night. I had a relapse and said some things I didn't mean. I've been having a lot of trouble with friends and all manners of relationships as of late. I feel like I've reached a shitfisted place in my life and that hurts. I wasn't looking to cause trouble with anyone or anything, I felt threatened and condemned and in my own twisted way was just trying to save myself. (Oh bloody hell that's such a terrible run-on sentence but I'm far too lazy to fix it.)

In other news I wish I wasn't so friggin stingy when it comes to receiving gifts. Otherwise, I would be the most happy owner of Pride and Prejudice in all it's glory. ::le sigh:: Oh well, hopefully I won't be so strained for cash next check but I doubt it. ::shakes fist at the Tuition Monster:: Damn you! I will own it one day, oh yes it will be mine.

I've also registered to do NaNoWriMo. While it won't be my first novel it will be my first done with any sort of deadline. My other novels have either been really long drawn out pieces taking several years to complete or crappy things thrown together in a week. I'm hoping, that by doing this, I will be able to complete a work of pseudo-quality.

I have to figure out what I'm going to be for Halloween. I will more than likely be working that evening and we're required to dress up. At present my choices are: Trinity, Elizbeth Bennet, Pirate Wench, or Agent Sands. I am heavily leaning towards Agent Sands but I fear the eye makeup will be a bit of a deterrent in the workplace. Rie was talking about throwing a party later that night as well. Perhaps I'll go as Agent Sands there and something else to work. Then again, Rie wants me to go as Trinity so Rie can go as Neo. If Rie insists on partner costuming though, I shall force Rie to be Mr. Darcy and I shall go as Eliza. Oh bah, tis far too complicated for my liking. I guess I shall have to figure something out eventually.

I tend to ramble when I can't remember what it was I really wanted to say. Bugger... Oh well, I suppose I shall be off to finish my daily section of Pride and Prejudice. Adjo and as always, take care!

.:Love:. .:Pain:.