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Why do you choose your pain
If you only knew
How much I love you, Love you
I won't be your winter
I won't be anyone's excuse to cry
And we can be forgiven
And I will be here.

He says when you gonna make up your mind
When you gonna love you as much as I do
When you gonna make up your mind
Cause things are gonna change so fast
All the white horses are still in bed
I tell you that I�ll always want you near
You say that things change my dear

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Remorse and Religion
Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at 11:54 a.m.
0 comments so far

Ya know, I'm a real bitch. I really need to get my priorities straight. I've just been chased to the edge by so many people lately and I finally snapped. Y'all may have good intentions but it's my life, I have to deal with it so please don't feel offended if I'm not exactly jumping at your suggestions. I gave up trying to please everyone long agao and I'm not about to start trying again.

That being said, I have something to say to certain people (you know who you are). Please stop attacking my religious choices and beliefs. It's not a cult and I have not been brainwashed. I don't bash your religious sects because I respect your freedom of religion. I think it's only proper you give me the same courtesy. I don't try to push my religion on you so please don't try to do that with me. I'm trying to be civilized about this but you're making it very difficult so I'm just going to politely ask you once more to please step away from my religious life and end the attacks.

I love you but sometimes you pierce me with your words. I don't want things like this to damage us. If you're gonna accept me, please, accept me as I am and not as what you want me to be.

.:Love:. .:Pain:.